Mark Klett photographs the intersection of cultures, landscapes and time. His background includes working as a geologist before turning to photography. Klett has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Buhl Foundation, and the Japan/US Friendship Commission. His work has been exhibited and published both nationally and internationally for over 30 years, and his work is held in over 80 museum collections worldwide. He is the author of thirteen books including Saguaros (Radius Press and DAP, 2007), After the Ruins (University of California Press 2006), Yosemite in Time (Trinity University Press, 2005), and Third Views, Second Sights (Museum of New Mexico Press 2004). Mark Klett is Regents’ Professor of Art at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.
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Byron Wolfe’s photographs connect his interests in time, change, and place. His work is widely exhibited and collected. He has received a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation and is a recipient of the Santa Fe Prize for Photography. He is the author of Everyday: A Yearlong Photo Diary (Chronicle Books, 2007 and an Apple e-book, 2012), and a co-author of Yosemite in Time (Trinity University Press, 2005), and Third Views, Second Sights (Museum of New Mexico Press, 2004). Byron Wolfe is the Program Director for Photography at the Tyler School of Art Center for the Arts at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His personal web site is
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